What Makes Toronto Locksmith Paul Seidman An Expert?

Paul Seidman Pre-LockAlmost anyone can call themselves an expert on a given topic but when it comes to safety and security and a person has been dubbed as an expert such as a Toronto Locksmith, then you want to form your own opinion of this Professional based on their credibility. Here is a short interview with well known expert Toronto Locksmith, Paul Seidman, and how he earned his title of “expert” both in the locksmith industry as well as safety and security for home and businesses.

Paul, when did the locksmith profession become of interest to you and why?

 “The locksmith profession became an interest to me when I realized home owners could not rely 100% on my electronic services to protect the home and family.  I learned how important physical security solutions are in keeping the home owner safe to start with.  Electronic security alarms are great for providing information about what has happened already.  I wanted to be able to offer my customers’ solutions that would keep the intruder on the outside longer, and make it harder for these intruders to get in. This is the results our customers receive with our physical security solutions, and the locksmith side of our business offers our customers what we call “Real Security Under Lock & Key”.

 What kind of training did you begin with?

“Being a mechanical minded and handy type person helped nurture my natural skills for locksmithing. My initial training began in Toronto at the Academy of Locksmithing.  I took Basic Locksmith 1 & 2 as well as advanced courses to teach me the proper techniques and skills that are initially required to learn the right locksmith procedures.  My teachers were old school and provided great value based on their experiences and “tricks of the trade”. Combined with my locksmith education, my learning was ongoing for many years through the valuable experiences of my highly trained locksmithing staff. It was continuous on the job training that brought me to my level of expertise today.”

 How has locksmithing changed since you first began compared to now?

 “The Locksmith industry is evolving like any industry does.  Security in particular is very challenging whereby products are made to provide security from intruders who work just as hard to get by your high security solutions. Being a standard locksmith is a thing of the past. We no longer rely 100% on mechanical lock products to provide the overall security we have been installing for years.  Security products are becoming more and more complex requiring constant certification. Our team of locksmiths are always enrolled in one program or another to insure we can offer the best technology and installation methods.”

 Is it important to keep up with training in this field now?

 “Training is essential in being able to offer your customers the products they require to provide the kind of security they need.  Every manufactured product has specific installation procedures that need to be followed 100% to insure it will be installed the proper way.   Without constant proper training we would not be able to offer our customers the kind of security solutions that need to be in place and what we have become so highly recognized for throughout Toronto.”

 What encouraged you to branch into security systems and build this into your expertise as a Locksmith?

 “It was quite the opposite Lynn. I was initially in the electronic side of the fence and branched into locksmithing in quest of a solution to provide my customers better security. I realized security starts at your front door literally and if unwanted individuals get by that they are in the house. I was tired of hearing distress comments like, “the alarm went off and they got in by kicking in the front door”.  If I could protect the front door they would not get in. This became the driving force that made me seek out solutions to keep the home owner safe, and create a significant delay to encourage the intruder to leave the home alone.  Intruders are creates of habit and will continue to use methods that work for them. We enjoy becoming their worst nightmare when they quickly discover that the door system put in place by Pre-lock is a foe they cannot beat easily. Our door systems buy the time needed for help to arrive.”

 How did Pre-Lock come to be?

 “Pre-Lock came to be out of necessity.  I wanted a name that provided mechanical security, and liked the sound of doing something before it happens.  The term Pre-lock is quite simple which applies to both physical security solutions and electronic.  If you Pre-Lock something it is going to be secure, but if you don’t, it is simply not locked!”

 What were some of the growing pains for Pre-lock?

“The growing pains for Pre-Lock was being able to attract the proper group of professionals who could develop relationships with our customers to educate them on the value of physical protection.  Customers back in the day, felt quite safe having only an alarm system.  Today it is quite different as our customers don’t want to just feel safe, they want to be safe.  That has always been our focus and what we work for here.”

 You have obviously built your reputation as a expert locksmith over the years with a lot of hard work and dedication. What are your expectations of your staff when it comes to their maintaining the impeccable services that Pre-lock has to offer?

“Getting the job done correct is my only expectation at Pre-Lock. When we quote a project we don’t always know what we are up against until we are deep into the job. We stand behind our quotes, and don’t ever ask our customers for more money despite any unforeseen problems. Our staff priority is, doing it right the first time. Under my direction our top quality staff have come to learn that precision work and customer service comes first, and when this is adhered to the financial aspects look after themselves. Sure we are a business and need to make money, however each job we do is our signature on a project that needs to be something we are proud of, and that is something each our valued employee strive to do here.”

 Do you belong to any organizations or associations related to your locksmithing trade, and why is this important?

“Yes we certainly do belong to professional organizations. Pre-Lock Security has been long standing members of the following associations, TAOL, ALOA, CANASA, ULC CANADA, and the Better Business Bureau.   Being a member is very important. It provides us access to local &  international associations of security professionals, and allows us to share in solutions and problems that need to be addressed in our industry. It also provides a complaint process to offer the consumers options in resolving matters that need attention. All our associations have strict bylaws that members must adhere to, and comply with resolutions determined by the individual association that may need to step in for the consumer.  I personally believe that consumers should only deal with providers that are members in good standing, and consumers should take the time and determine the status of each prospective security provider they may be considering. “

As a Toronto locksmith expert what is the most important single piece of advice that you could give to people who are in need of locksmith services?

 “As a Toronto Locksmith expert, the best piece of advice I can offer any customer considering a Toronto Locksmith service provider is to find one that really is a locksmith service provider. Try finding a locksmith that has a physical location and is really able to provide the kind of services you need.  Be very careful who you call and make sure you know the name and number if there is a problem. Lots of locksmith service providers use generic names like Locksmith service, and honestly when you try and figure out who you called you will see how hard that really is.  Get educated on what you are buying and don’t just pick the first number out of a hat. Get a proper quote in writing and don’t accept vague pricing, leaving you wondering what you are going to pay when the locksmith attends your home or business. Security is very important and you truly need to know the credentials of who you are calling.   Remember locksmith service providers in Ontario are currently unlicensed so your only assurance of a professional is the research you do prior to giving them your home address.   A good rule of thumb is if they won’t give you their address, don’t give them yours.”

 Paul has certainly provided a lot of great information here that is well worth paying attention to. As you can see he knows his locksmithing and security, and has well earned his title as an expert Toronto Locksmith and security systems provider.

 If you would like to learn more about how Paul Seidman can help you be safe and secure and not just feel that way then be sure to give him at call at 1-877-Pre-lock, or fill in the contact form here on the right.

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