Can You Really Make a Old Home Security Safe?

Old Home securityAlmost everywhere we look in the Toronto and surrounding region there are new housing developments going up. Many of themĀ  are comprised of beautiful homes all built closely together with very little property. In the majority of these homes the new buyers insure that they implement good security systems. What about those that own the older homes though, just how easy or difficult is it to implement good home security measures?

The challenges that the homeowners of the older homes face is quite different than the new home owner.

Starting with the first priority for security measures is the doors and windows. The older homes quite often show wear and tear in these areas. The doors are made of wood and the framework is simple. While they may appear solid they don’t pose much of a challenge for a criminal who may want to break in. This includes the locking system as well. Depending on the age of the home the locks could be very outdated and possess none of the safety features that the locks of today do, such as the Medeco locks for example. The windows probably still shut fine, but the locking mechanisms have become old and rusty and perhaps don’t even function anymore.

There are a few solutions that can be implemented here for security purposes. Of course there is the option of replacing all the doors and windows, but this can easier said then done. Replacements like these on a old house takes a lot of time because of the structures, and not to mention the costs.

A quick fix or a temporary security measure until this major upgrade can be completed would be to replace the locks on all the doors. This can be done with quality locking products like Medeco or Schlage locks.

The windows can be secured in many different ways. Window jams are an option, or even better to give the house some extra attractiveness would be to use some of the window bars that really do look great and offer some great protection. Another alternative is to use window film.

One of the advantages that comes with the older home is it usually covers with long driveways and spacious property. This is where your front line of security is important and you have some inexpensive options to utilize here for your home protection. Simple items like a driveway alert, and some motion sensor lighting will help to build up your protection confidence.


About Seidman

Paul Seidman is a Toronto security expert providing security services since 1978. Trained as locksmith & alarm security professional Seidman understands how to keep you safe and sound.
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