Common Sense Ways to Beef Up Your Home Security

extra home security tipsYour first priority when setting up your home security is to make sure you have the right program and equipment installed that meets your specific requirements. You want to deal with a quality and experienced security Company that has the right expertise to meet all of your security needs.

Above this there are really some common sense ways that you can implement to enhance your in place security measures.

Don’t make it easy for a smash and grab theft. This means not leaving anything laying around the exterior of your house that would prove to be the ideal tool for a thief to use to break a window.

During the hot weather without realizing it you may be letting your guard down as to the safety of your home. This is the time a lot of home improvements are done, and as a result there is a need for a ladder. If the reno is on going you may neglect to put the ladder away, and as such you may be providing a great entry resource to the upper level of your home for some brazen crooks.

In past posts we have supplied lots of information on different tactics that you can implement to enhance your security. While each hint may seem small and simple when you collectively use as many of them as possible, you are really going to make a significant difference.

Don’t forget that when the kids are out of school your security routine may differ, and you want to make sure that the same protective qualities that have been carried out throughout the school year are still being adhered to during the summer months.

One thing that you may not give much thought to is the message that you are leaving on your answering machine. Don’t provide pertinent information to crooks like you are away from home right now, or are on vacation.

You probably are already in the habit of keeping your vehicle locked no matter whether its parked at home or elsewhere, but go one extra step and make it a habit not to leave valuables or electronics in your vehicle. These are tempting to would be crooks who may be scouting out your vehicle.

Of course with your security measures you have ensured that you have good locks on your doors and windows, but again implement an extra step by using blinds on these. This way you are not providing an open view as to who is in the house at any given time.

About Seidman

Paul Seidman is a Toronto security expert providing security services since 1978. Trained as locksmith & alarm security professional Seidman understands how to keep you safe and sound.
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