Dealing with the Frustration of False Alarms

false alarms and security equipmentIt used to be that one of the main reasons for homeowners not wanting to have a security system was because of their concern of having to deal with false alarms. While this may have been a problem in the past, it is one that has been mostly rectified. Not to say that it still doesn’t happen, but with the new home and business security technology, and the caliber of security equipment now being used it has great reduced the false alarm instances.

One common reason that false alarms still take place however, is because of human error. It is not unusual for homeowners to trigger their own alarm. This causes them to sometimes panic, but a simple solution to this is to utilize the verification program of your security provider. What this means is that if the monitoring company receives a signal of a triggered alarm, they will first reach out to who you have listed on your contact list, usually with the homeowner being the first contact. This gives you a chance to verify the alarm was false and as such no responders will be notified.

Proper Installation

With this being the “do it yourself” era, a lot of people want to install their own security systems rather than depend on the professionals to do this for them. While the over the counter general department store security equipment may be easy to install, it may not give you all the extra factors that you need to consider. Without these you are more at risk of having to deal with false alarms. Often what happens is the detectors are placed in areas where they are going to be subjected to common place movement that takes place in the home which in turn triggers them unnecessarily. For example, they may be too close to the ventilation system of the room or near the fireplace. Then if there are pets in the home and by not buying applicable security equipment again it raises the risk for false triggering of the alarms.

Another potential problem with using this type of store bought equipment is simply not learning how to use it properly. It may be that if you are the one installing it you will take the time to learn this. But what about the rest of the family? You must ensure that they too have this knowledge.

The best route to go is to rely on not only high caliber security equipment for your protection, but to utilize the services of security professionals who not only can advise you as to the best system for you but can ensure it is properly installed. Not only does this give you the confidence in knowing that your home or business is protected but you won’t have to be so concerned about false alarms.

About Seidman

Paul Seidman is a Toronto security expert providing security services since 1978. Trained as locksmith & alarm security professional Seidman understands how to keep you safe and sound.
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