Expanding Your Security Thinking

bank machine safetyWhen we think of security our first priority becomes the safety of our family. We make sure that their home environment is safe and secure. We want to protect them from home break-ins. We also want to protect them against perils like fire, or accidents.

Making our homes as safe as possible is our main focus but unfortunately our family doesn’t always remain in this environment and their safety and yours has to be considered outside of the home.

Before the world of electronics we always had to be cautious as to what valuables and cash we carried on us. We were always warned about carrying large amounts of cash in case we got robbed. Now there is a different type of threat and that is the potential dangers we may face when using our bank machines.

These machines really are a source of convenience. They can be accessed 24/7, but that doesn’t mean it is always safe to do so. Some locations may be safer than others to use. This should be your first step is determining which bank machine is in the safest environment for you to use, especially if you need to access it in off hours. The banking institutions do their best to put these machines in locales that would be deemed safe, but they can’t read the minds of the would be thief who may have a brazen nature.

Bank machine thefts are more likely to occur at night. This type of crook will stand a short distance away to wait for his target. He will wait until the withdrawal has been done, and if he/she feels it is substantial enough then he will wait until the soon to be victim is out of the range of bank machine camera then go about his robbery.

When choosing the bank machine to use, try to choose those that are located within a busy business. Those in the super markets are good choices. If you are going to use an outside machine, try to use one that is in a busy area. Don’t use one that is going to partially hide you from the public. Like one that would be blocked by a pillar or have its view obscured. Watch for good hiding places that a would be crook could be settling himself into waiting for the right target to come along.

For the most part in Toronto we don’t have a high bank machine crime rate, but it still doesn’t hurt to be extra diligent when it comes to your cash and your safety. For your home and business security needs be sure to check out what Pre-lock has to offer as the leading Toronto Locksmiths serving Toronto and the surrounding areas.

About Seidman

Paul Seidman is a Toronto security expert providing security services since 1978. Trained as locksmith & alarm security professional Seidman understands how to keep you safe and sound.
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