Teaching Kids to Be Security Savvy

kids and securityThere is a lot about life that we as parents want to teach our kids, but included in this should be creating awareness of their security. Most parents instill in their kids not to talk to strangers, or accept gifts or rides. There should be a few additional things added to this list when it comes to security as their vulnerability changes as they get older.

As they become more dependent they become less supervised and this is when parents become more anxious. By teaching them the value of the home security that is put in place for the family it begins to create awareness.

You want the youngsters to learn to take responsibility for their security and you can begin to teach them this by making sure that when they are the last to leave home that they set the security system. If you are using an intercom system then make sure that you set rules for using this. The same if you have driveway security installed. It is easy for the adults in the house to get into the habit of not using their security systems to their fullest potential and of course these bad habits are picked up by the kids, so it really is important that they learn by example.

Once they become naturally cautious about their safety and security they should remain this way when they are ready to leave home and head off to college. They will automatically lock their dorm rooms, and even when they are there. They will be conscientious about not storing valuables in their lockers, and will be a little more adept about choosing quality locks for this sort of storage space.

You will also find that they will have a better awareness and will easily remember your extra instructions about being with a friend when they go especially in the beginning when they are not familiar with their College campus.

You don’t want to make the young ones overly sensitive about their safety and well being but you want to make sure that they are aware that good security makes good sense. They should know the best escape routes in the event of evacuation. As an additional security steps remind them about how important it is to keep their keys such as those to their dorm and their vehicle safe.

You will feel far more confident with your young adult being away from home if you have taught them to be security savvy.

About Seidman

Paul Seidman is a Toronto security expert providing security services since 1978. Trained as locksmith & alarm security professional Seidman understands how to keep you safe and sound.
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