Driveway Vehicle Alerts for Home and Business

driveway alerts for home and businessKeeping up with the security for your home or business also means keeping up with what is available on the market by way of systems that are designed to keep you safe. If you are using a quality security system company like the Toronto Locksmiths at Pre-lock then you don’t have the hassle of trying to stay up to date with your security needs as they will keep you informed.

While most everyone is concerned about keeping the interior of their homes safe from intruders it starts by being aware of who is on your property. Knowing when a car pulls into your driveway is the first step of knowing this, and you can easily detect this by having a driveway vehicle alert installed.

While these are most beneficial for homes that have long or hard to see driveways they really are a safety feature that is convenient for any home owner. It allows you to be anywhere in your home and know immediately if someone has entered your driveway. Many people like to use their basement as their area for entertainment and its a real hassle having to run up the stairs just because you thought you heard a vehicle pull into the driveway. Or perhaps you are waiting for a delivery and have to stay on the main floor waiting. With the driveway vehicle alert installed there is no need to do this.

When it comes to businesses where there are drive through services this security driveway vehicle alert can be of great value. In fact, it could actually help save you money. During the evening hours instead of having to have one person on to monitor the driveway for the drive through services you can reduce this extra staffing need with this alert.

For seniors who are living on their own it is a great system to have installed for them. Often the elderly get concerned about not hearing people come to their door or are constantly checking to see if someone has pulled into their drive. Having this easily installed device to rely on gives them some comfort. It is also ideal for those that are handicapped or busy moms who need to be prepared to answer the door. By being pre-alerted that someone has pulled int the driveway it allows for this.

In rural areas where the driveways tend to be quite long these are a valuable resource. The driveway vehicle alerts can be installed so they activate the doorbell or your current monitoring system or even your surveillance cameras. They are designed so they will only detect metal objects so you don’t need to worry about false alarms by pedestrians or animals coming onto this area.

Talk to the pros here at Pre-Lock about driveway vehicle alerts.


About Seidman

Paul Seidman is a Toronto security expert providing security services since 1978. Trained as locksmith & alarm security professional Seidman understands how to keep you safe and sound.
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