Implementing Glass Break Sensors as Part of Your Toronto Home Security

glass detectorAll too often there is so much noise going on in the home that we become oblivious to much of it. The kids may be in watching Television or playing a video game with the sound blaring. The lady of the house may be in the kitchen rattling dishes around. The hubby is in the basement workshop. If a window were to be shattered to allow a thief to enter would it be heard?

This is where glass break sensors play an important role in the Toronto home security protection that many home owners put into action.

This is a sensor that is located near the glass that will set off an alarm if the glass is broken. You have probably seen examples of this in movies where someone has pitched a brick through a large pane of glass of a business and a big siren has gone on. The premise is much the same but a little more sophisticated in real life.

Thieves are smart in some respects and dumb in others. Most of them are pretty observant, and anything that is placed on or near the glass is going to be easily detected by them. This may be a good thing you say, as it will deter them from the break-in. While this may be true in some cases, for many others they will just look for another entry. You want to be sure that this crook gets caught.

This leads us to advising you to utilize a glass breaking sensor that is quality made and has acuity to it, which makes the best choice the DSC Glass Break Detector. This unit has the ability to distinguish between the breaking of the window glass compared to someone dropping a glass or plate on the floor. It is able to do this with the built in microphones and processors. It can detect the glass of a window being broke up to 25 feet away. This means it can be mounted on walls or ceilings where it goes barely noticed yet is effective.

The added benefit to having a range like this means if you have several windows you don’t need a sensor for each one.

When you are adding sensors such as this as part of your Toronto home security protection, you are building what is called layered protection. The more protection you have in your home on various levels the more difficult you are making it for an intruder. They want their job of breaking in and robbing your home to be fast and easy. With your attention to building up multi level security you are being very proactive in making the crook’s job a most difficult one.



About Seidman

Paul Seidman is a Toronto security expert providing security services since 1978. Trained as locksmith & alarm security professional Seidman understands how to keep you safe and sound.
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