Making the Senior Feel Good With Home Security

Good senior home securityThere are lots of reasons and lots of ways to make our seniors feel good living in their home with home security. It doesn’t have to be a complicated or expensive security system to give them the protection that they need. Plus, there are a lot of additional steps that can be taken to make them feel safer in their homes.

Our seniors have always been used to being the leader in the family, and are the ones that always quieted the fears of their children. As they enter into their seniors years the roles in this regard do change a little. Our elderly people begin to feel vulnerable because they don’t have the strength and stamina they once did. It now becomes our job to make them feel safe and secure and not just with words of encouragement. Unfortunately there are a lot of unscrupulous individuals out there who prey on the older generation.

Many times a senior will want to give up them home simply because they are afraid of living alone. If they are in good health at least where they can live by themselves in a safe manner regarding their health, then fear of doing so should not be a factor.

It begins with first identifying what it is this fear about being alone. Are they worried about break ins, or are they worried they will take sick and nobody will know so they can get help. Both of these issues can be fully addressed.

In regards to break ins:

Find out which areas of the home your loved one is worried about the most. It could be they are concerned about the locks on their doors and windows, and this should be the first area attended to.

Depending on where they live if there are not other homes in close proximity or good street lighting they may feel isolated. Here you can address the proper with good outdoor security lighting.

They may be afraid to answer the door. The solution here is by using a simple intercom system. Nothing too elaborate so it’s confusing for them.

They may feel that if they are becoming a victim of a break in that they won’t be able to get to the phone to call for help. There are a couple of solutions here. They can make use of a monitored security system. They can be hooked up with smart monitoring so you can check in on them. You may want to get them a simple cell phone.

Personal safety:

One of the biggest fears a senior may have is taking sick and not being able to get the help they need. You can put this fear to rest with a life alert system. This way they are always going to know that help is no further away than a touch of a button.

You can also ask a neighbor to keep an eye on the house as well. If they don’t note any activity or see something is remiss then make sure they can contact you so you can follow up.

To really make sure that the seniors in your life are getting all of the protection they need, contact the professionals at Pre-lock. They will certainly take the time to assess the security needs of your seniors and make recommendations of the best security protection for them.

About Seidman

Paul Seidman is a Toronto security expert providing security services since 1978. Trained as locksmith & alarm security professional Seidman understands how to keep you safe and sound.
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