Security Tips for Apartment Living

apartment securityJust because you are not a homeowner doesn’t mean that you have to sacrifice your security and enjoying the feeling that you are well protected in your place of residence. Even though you have neighbors as close as the door beside your apartment it doesn’t necessarily make you feel that you are secure within your own apartment. So what can you can do to rectify this?

If you are just in the process of apartment hunting, then you really do want to consider what security is being offered to you. Take a look at the apartment dwelling as a whole unit. What kind of security is on all of the entrances to the building. Having a good locking system on the front door is great but if all the other doors only have minimal security locks or not at all perhaps then this is weakening the effectiveness of the lobby entrance.

What you want to observe as you do a walk through of the public areas of the building is that not only are there good locks on the doors but that they are well lit as well. Ideally if security cameras were in place on each of these it would be ideal.

Some buildings actually have a security department right on the premises while others don’t. In most cases you are going to end up paying more for this higher security level type of living, but not always. Building owners have found that by having physical security presence on the premises has saved them a lot of money in vandalism.

Once you have inspected the apartment building in general, you want to to make some security observations concerning the unit you are thinking of living in. First you want to be sure that all of the windows have good quality security locks. Don’t just assume that because you are up several floors that the windows are not vulnerable to break in.

Find out what the rules are concerning putting your own locks on your doors. If permitted you may want to take advantage of the many features and benefits that Schlage locks have to offer. These are affordable, impressive looking, and built for protection. You can ask the experts at Pre-lock to tell you more about these.

When considering the safety of your apartment doors, don’t forget about the balcony door either no matter what floor you live on. There are several options available for you in regards to securing these types of doors.

About Seidman

Paul Seidman is a Toronto security expert providing security services since 1978. Trained as locksmith & alarm security professional Seidman understands how to keep you safe and sound.
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