Shoplifting Tactics to Watch Out For

shoplifting tacticsNo matter what the size of your business is, and if you are open to the public for selling products, then you are open for shoplifting thefts. Hopefully you have the proper security system in place, but that is not enough. You need to enhance your security by being diligent in knowing what is going on throughout your premises.

You have to walk a fine line here in that you don’t want to make your honest shoppers feel uncomfortable, but at the same time you don’t want to give an open invitation to shoplifters by being aloof.

Being aware of the some of the tactics and tell tale signs of a potential shoplifter will help you to focus more on those that are likely in your store to see what they can steal.

Some of these thieves will use a child as their guise for lifting small items. They will stuff items in the stroller pretending that they are tending to the youngster.

More experienced shoplifters have a carefully designed line of clothing that really helps them to conceal items so they can get them out of your store easily.

When big purses happen to be the fashion trend for the year, it can be a nightmare for shop owners. Thieves can get a lot of things into these bags with lightening speed. Often the purse is open when they arrive at the store, then is closed when they are leaving.

Some shoplifters will go about their tasks stealing a few small but quality items, then will pick one cheap item that they will pay for. This sometimes helps to remove the attention of the floor walker who may have suspected them. When they see the thief at the cash they just assume that their suspicions were wrong.

Don’t assume that your suspected shop lifter is working alone. They often work in teams targeting small businesses that don’t have a lot of staff. One of the culprits will create a diversion while the other picks out the items to steal.

Checking your surveillance videos on a regular basis may help you to detect potential shoplifters who have found you to be an easy mark and return often to your store but never seem to buy anything.

Along with you being alert to shop lifting tactics, and utilizing a good quality security company like Pre-lock for your business security needs, will help you to cut down on your losses that can come from shop lifting.

About Seidman

Paul Seidman is a Toronto security expert providing security services since 1978. Trained as locksmith & alarm security professional Seidman understands how to keep you safe and sound.
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