No Sign of Forced Entry and Toronto Security

Nothing is more shocking to arrive at your home or even your business to find out that it has been robbed. Then what is even more shocking is when you are told by the Police that there are no signs of forced entry. No signs of forced entry

You just can’t fathom how someone was able to get into your home when you know for sure that you had all the doors and windows secured before leaving. Unfortunately the real culprit here is your locking system. Thieves are masters at being able to determine what are inferior locks for doors and windows and have the right methods for opening them without a key quick and easy.

Inferior type door locks can be opened by bumping, picking or drilling the lock. Then of course there are some people who hide a key to their home under the door mat, or in the flower pot which is usually the first place a thief will look. In some cases they may even be able to use another key that happens to fit your lock as surprisingly as this may seem.

Home owners who have older homes often don’t like to change the doors of the home because they lend to the aged character of the home. Unfortunately this includes the locks which are old and outdated. The home owner just assumes because the locks are still working fine that they are offering enough protection. This is really a false sense of security.

The good thing is that you can have high security locks installed on your old doors without changing the look of their rustic nature. At first glance to a thief he may think that these doors will be an easy target, but will soon realize that with the new locking mechanism his job has now become far more difficult.

One of the first steps to take to update your door and window locking mechanisms is to contact a professional security company like us here at Pre-lock. There are many different types of door security systems and it is important that you obtain the advice of a Toronto locksmith that knows which types are going to be best suited for your specific security situation.

It is not wise to buy generic type locking devices for your doors because criminals make it their business to design ways to thwart these. High security locks are just not worth their time or effort and the high risk they pose for getting caught.

About Seidman

Paul Seidman is a Toronto security expert providing security services since 1978. Trained as locksmith & alarm security professional Seidman understands how to keep you safe and sound.
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