Staying in Tune With Winter Car Security

cold weather car securityFor the most part we are pretty cautious when it comes to our car security. We try to make a point of keeping it locked when unattended, and not leaving valuables laying around in them where they are sources of encouragement for a thief to break into them.

In the cold winter months we tend to get a little slack with some of our security safeguards. Almost everybody hates having to go in the cold to spend time clearing tons of snow off the vehicle. Then once we are wet and miserable we jump in behind the wheel in a car that is still trying to warm up. As we sit there dreaming of being on a sunny beach somewhere it isn’t helping to take the chill out of our bones. So, we decided to go back into the warmth of our home or office building and let the car warm up on it’s own.

Absolutely nothing wrong with this and it is a smart thing to do. The one problem that often occurs though is we forget to lock the vehicle. Of course, this would be just the time when some unscrupulous individual is standing on the sidelines waiting for us to do exactly that. This individual has no issues with jumping into our started vehicle and driving away in it even though it may still be slightly on the chilly side. At least they didn’t have to clean the snow off because you did it for them!

This type of scenario plays out far more than you think and the Police have even issued warnings about these types of incidents.

It is tempting to just leave the car running to hop into the grocery store, or pay for the gas, but it only takes a second for a thief to jump behind the wheel and take off with your car. As innocent as this is on your part it really could have negative implications if you are going to make an insurance claim for your stolen vehicle.

Thieves take advantage of every possible opportunity they can to rip people off. Cold weather and snow is a real inconvenience to us but to  them it is a golden opportunity where people let their guard down.

About Seidman

Paul Seidman is a Toronto security expert providing security services since 1978. Trained as locksmith & alarm security professional Seidman understands how to keep you safe and sound.
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