When Is It Time for A LifeSentry Device?

Time for a LifeSentryFor many that have aging parents or seniors who they care about, the question comes up as to when is the best time to consider some type of life alert. Individuals don’t want to stress seniors out by pushing this type of protection on them making them think they are considered fragile. At the same time they want their older loved ones to feel comfortable and secure when alone that should a emergency arise help can be reached immediately. This is the whole purpose of the LifeSentry Device.

There are lots of similar type products on the market and some come with lots of bells and whistles, but the bottom line is the senior in distress wants some simple to use that is going to get them the immediate help that they need.

The LifeSentry is worn around the neck like a pendant, so there is no worries of the senior setting their alert device down somewhere and then forgetting about it, or running into difficulty when out of its reach.

So how do you approach your elderly loved one about having a LifeSentry, and is it the right time?

First of all, if your senior is alone for any length of time even if they are living with you having a medical alert device such as this is a precious asset. A potential accident or illness can occur at any time.

Don’t wait till a near accident happens or ill health starts to present itself. The normally healthy senior can suddenly develop a life threatening occurrence where immediate medical response could be a life saver. Stroke victims if treated quickly can often have their symptoms reversed.

Older people most often begin to feel uneasy and nervous about being alone, even for short periods. A device such as this may be all they need to build their confidence up.

To approach the subject you could gather some information about the LifeSentry device from Pre-lock who is supplier of this device, and present it to the individual. Tell them you found it interesting and were quite impressed with, and ask them what their opinion is. Chances are if they are being asked their opinion they will be much more open to the concept.

What is highly important is to point out to them that it is a very simple device that is as easy to use as pressing a button. There is no programming or heavy maintenance or potential embarrassment about triggering false alerts.

Once the decision has been made to get the LifeSentry alert both you and the senior in your life is going to feel a whole lot more secure.



About Seidman

Paul Seidman is a Toronto security expert providing security services since 1978. Trained as locksmith & alarm security professional Seidman understands how to keep you safe and sound.
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