Getting into Full Gear With Your Christmas Security

Christmas securityIt is that busy season once again and with so much to do to get ready for the big Christmas day it means often that we get a little careless with our security measures. We have seen a few instances of this throughout Toronto this year and of course everywhere else.

It is really difficult when you have the kids in the car and finding a parking spot is near impossible. When you do find one and you are only going to dash into the store for something quickly it may be tempting to leave the kids in the car while you do this. What we are forgetting is that there are a lot of unscrupulous people out there just waiting for us to leave the car unattended. Leaving the kids in the car even for a second is a dangerous undertaking. This was an unfortunate circumstance that took place recently where a thief stole the car without immediately realizing there were kids occupying it. Fortunately the children were recovered unharmed, but it could have been a tragic occurrence.

The same applies to our home setting. Just because you are dashing out to the store and only expect to be gone for a short period of time, it doesn’t mean that you should not set the alarm system. there could be crooks lurking near by just waiting for this prime time. Crooks know how busy people are at this time of year and capitalize on this. This is the time that they scour parking lots at night in the business section. They know that a lot of Christmas parties are going on. The darkness of night gives them prime cover for breaking into the vehicles that they normally cannot target because they are gone by five o’clock when businesses close down.

Then of course there are the cars in the shopping malls that are just loaded with parcels. Forgetting to lock the car door is really easy at this time of year because you have so much on your mind.

The bottom line is that no matter what time of year it is your safety and security is super important. Don’t let the activities of the day draw your attention away from this. Now is a good time to think about whether you should be upgrading your security measures, and if so then be sure to give the experts at Pre-lock a call!

About Seidman

Paul Seidman is a Toronto security expert providing security services since 1978. Trained as locksmith & alarm security professional Seidman understands how to keep you safe and sound.
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