Dealing with the Frustration of False Alarms

false alarms and security equipmentIt used to be that one of the main reasons for homeowners not wanting to have a security system was because of their concern of having to deal with false alarms. While this may have been a problem in the past, it is one that has been mostly rectified. Not to say that it still doesn’t happen, but with the new home and business security technology, and the caliber of security equipment now being used it has great reduced the false alarm instances.

One common reason that false alarms still take place however, is because of human error. It is not unusual for homeowners to trigger their own alarm. This causes them to sometimes panic, but a simple solution to this is to utilize the verification program of your security provider. What this means is that if the monitoring company receives a signal of a triggered alarm, they will first reach out to who you have listed on your contact list, usually with the homeowner being the first contact. This gives you a chance to verify the alarm was false and as such no responders will be notified.

Proper Installation

With this being the “do it yourself” era, a lot of people want to install their own security systems rather than depend on the professionals to do this for them. While the over the counter general department store security equipment may be easy to install, it may not give you all the extra factors that you need to consider. Without these you are more at risk of having to deal with false alarms. Often what happens is the detectors are placed in areas where they are going to be subjected to common place movement that takes place in the home which in turn triggers them unnecessarily. For example, they may be too close to the ventilation system of the room or near the fireplace. Then if there are pets in the home and by not buying applicable security equipment again it raises the risk for false triggering of the alarms.

Another potential problem with using this type of store bought equipment is simply not learning how to use it properly. It may be that if you are the one installing it you will take the time to learn this. But what about the rest of the family? You must ensure that they too have this knowledge.

The best route to go is to rely on not only high caliber security equipment for your protection, but to utilize the services of security professionals who not only can advise you as to the best system for you but can ensure it is properly installed. Not only does this give you the confidence in knowing that your home or business is protected but you won’t have to be so concerned about false alarms.

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So You Want to Be a Toronto Locksmith

locksmith tradeThinking of becoming a Toronto locksmith and wondering if it is the right trade for you to get into?

Here is some advice and tips for getting into the trade and the benefits for doing so.

First of all the locksmith trade is one that has been around ever since people decided that they needed to lock up their belongings. Which has been a very long time indeed.

Secondly, when you really think about it the trade is in very little danger of becoming obsolete as many other trades have over the past decade or so due to automation.

Look at the tool and die trade as an example. With the advent of newer and better technology the need for trained tool and die makers who used to perform the bulk of their work by hand has diminished greatly over the years.

C.N.C or computerized numerical control machines have largely undermined the need for trained tradesmen to do the job. For the most part the need is for computer programmers and button pushers to run the machines that are programmed to do the job people used to do.

The same can be said for many other trades.

Not so much in the lock-smithing industry. Yes, some of the machines that are now used to cut and re-key locks are automated the actual installations are still done by humans and probably will be for many years to come.

A question that comes up a lot is whether one should go to school or train under a lock smith in an apprentice role.

There are two schools of thought on this. One suggests that going to school will allow you to learn the theory of lock smithing faster and in a controlled environment and will enable you to learn the applicable laws and such but will do little in teaching you the actual craft of lock smithing as it is performed in the field.

The other school of thought thinks that it is much better to train under a good lock smith and learn from the on the job training you get as an apprentice.

Whichever route you choose the benefits and of course will be the same.

The benefits of being a Toronto lock smith are plentiful.

You get to be your own boss (if you open your shop or establish your own mobile “shop”) and you get to help people when they are in distress which can be uplifting and feel good, kid locked in car, abused wife who needs locks changed for her safety etc. etc.

While most locksmiths will tell you that you will not get rich in the trade, the money can be very good once you are established and have a good reputation, provided that your area is not inundated with competing locksmiths.

You can set your own hours, again, provided you open your own business, but this can be both a pleasure and a curse.

One of the most talked about downsides of the trade is the fact that to be successful in your own shop you will need to be “on call” and ready to answer calls at any time of the night or day and you will be surprised how much work is actually done at night!

There is much to be said about being a good Toronto locksmith and the life that that entails.

YOU have to decide if that life is for you!

Do your homework and weigh all the pros and cons before making a decision.




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Is Your Door Lock Really Secure?

door securityFor many of us the thought that our door lock is not REALLY that secure would come as a huge shock. We like to think that the locks that protect our families and belongings from the outside world are all created equally and that the one we have on doors is as secure as the neighbors or that guy down the street who is clearly more security conscious than the rest of the community.

The fact is though that all locks are NOT created equal. In essence, it is like anything else in life, you get what you pay for!

Does this mean that you have to pay a small fortune for your locks and hardware or you will be unsecured?  Not really. But you do have to do some homework to find the best possible lock in your price range.

Just as there are in many other devices or things, locks have a rating system to tell the consumer what level of security to expect from their locks.

This system is not just for locks and is used for a variety of other products as well. The system is called ANSI and stands for the American National Standards Institute which is a non-profit organization that grades the hardware that home builders use when building a home in the U.S. The Canadian equivalent would be the C.S.A.

ANSI ratings for door locks found in homes and businesses are typically categorized in 3 classifications.

Grade 1 Certification is the absolute highest rating a door lock can receive from ANSI for any commercial or residential door lock.

Grade 2 Certification is the second highest rating and the one found to offer excellent security and durability is any product with this rating.

Grade 3 Certification is the lowest grading and is considered the absolute minimum standard for any residential door lock or hardware.

Why is this information important? When you purchase a lock for your front door or any door leading into your house for that matter you would expect it to be the highest quality that can be manufactured, but as the ratings above show, that is not always the case.

Many home builders use the Grade 3 locks and hardware on their homes simply because they are much cheaper and offer the minimum standards required by law and building codes.

Needless to say that the locks that have a Grade 3 rating are much less secure, and are much easier to pick or break then locks with a Grade 1 or even Grade 2.

Many of the locks offered by Pre-Lock are made by Schlage a very reputable company that has been manufacturing locks for generations.

All Schlage deadbolt locks are rated at Grade 1 ANSI standard which tells you that they are of the finest quality in materials and manufacturing standards available on the market today.

You would never tell your car manufacturer to not install seatbelts to save a few bucks and the same should be true for the security of your family at home and when you are away.

Insist on the finest quality and craftsmanship and choose Schlage or another ANSI GRADE 1 lock and we will happily come to your home and install it for you!

Buying security is easy, buying peace of mind is a little harder, get Schlage and get both at the same time!

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Prepping Your Home for Winter’s Fury

basement flooding

There are a lot of different ways that our homes need protecting and one of these is to ensure that we don’t have to deal with basement flooding, plus ensuring that the home can withstand whatever winter has to throw at it.

When people think about protecting their most prized possession or at least their most expensive possession, their home they often think of security devices such as cameras and security systems and even the most important device to keep your home safe… a good, solid front door lock!

All of these items are extremely important for keeping your family and possessions safe over the course of the year but when winter begins the list of things to do gets a little bit longer and more complicated.

There are a variety of things you should do to get the house ready for whatever winter tosses at us this year, and with climate change influencing things you never really know what you are going to get anymore.

It used to be that we expected to get a blast of cold and potentially even snow by around mid-December and that would typically last until mid-March or so with very little in the way of thaw over that period. Unfortunately, with climate changing the way it has over the past decade or so we can no longer expect that same scenario and have even experienced at least 6 or 8 freeze/thaw cycles alone this year already with more to potentially come.

Why is this a problem? The main issue comes when the snow flies and we get an accumulation and then just as rapidly it thaws creating a huge amount of water that has to go somewhere! And that somewhere usually becomes the basement if your house is not prepared properly.

Here are a few tips to get the house ready for winter.

Firstly, you should make 100% certain that any pipes that may be exposed are sufficiently insulated so that they cannot freeze and burst if the weather turns extreme. This includes the outdoor taps and the sprinkler system if you have one.

Another must do is to fully inspect your roof ideally before any snow comes to make sure that there are no loose shingles or areas in need of repair. After the snow flies and you realize that you have a leak it is much harder to find and repair.

When you are up there inspecting the roof make sure to check the eaves so that they are not crammed full of leaves and other debris as this can lead to improper draining when snow melts and can cause ice dams that will make the water back up into your house. Never a good thing!

Now, about that basement. Being absolutely sure of having a working sump pump is a must in case of unexpected thaws and the potential of having water entering the basement if there are any leaks in the foundation or elsewhere. The incredible amount of water the freeze/thaw cycle creates is a major hazard and one you should be prepared for fully.

One of the best investments any home owner can make is a sump pump sensor which is designed to let you know if your sump is having any issues before there is a massive problem. There are many on the market and they are very cost effective.

Here at Pre-Lock Security Service we can sell and install sump pump sensors that will give you safety and even more important peace of mind!

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The Pros and Cons of Fake CCTV Cameras

cctv fake camerasThe pros and cons of “fake” C.C.T.V cameras.

Recently, the security market has been flooded with a variety of imitation closed circuit television cameras. For many, the idea of having a fake security camera is nonsensical or even counter intuitive. The basic mind set behind that feeling is really what is the point of having a fake camera? The idea behind the imitation camera is that by having a visible camera whether actually working or not is a visible deterrent to would be thieves or bad guys. Most burglars, when they see a camera are quick to change course and find a less protected place to perform their craft. Many of these fake cameras even have the blinking lights and other realistic functions that serve as a further deterrent to those who may understand that some cameras are actually fake as it makes it much harder to tell if the camera is legit or a spoof. The obvious pros of having one or many of these cameras are the visual deterrent they do provide. Studies have shown that for this reason they really are effective. To a degree. Solely relying on imitation c.c.t.v

Solely relying on imitation c.c.t.v cameras however, is an idea that is probably not very well thought out. When used in conjunction with a real security system they can be effective but not as a sole source of protection. Using the imitation cameras to enhance an existing security system cannot be faulted but not if that is all you are doing. A savvy burglar who can tell the difference will simply not be deterred by a fake camera, nor will someone who decides to disregard security cameras altogether. Many times if a criminal decides to rob an establishment they will do so while wearing a disguise of some kind in the anticipation of cameras being present.

The need for an alarm of some kind is absolutely essential if you are trying to be secure as possible and by using an alarm in conjunction with a real surveillance system you will quite obviously be even more protected overall. The takeaway from this is simple. If you decide that you want to use imitation c.c.t.v cameras in order to enhance your security system then you would not be wrong, but to use them as a sole source of protection you really are leaving yourself more vulnerable than you need to be. The cost of real cameras has come down so drastically in the last few years that using nothing but fake ones is probably not a really good idea. Get a good security alarm system and in conjunction use a variety of real and fake cameras to be really and truly protected from those who seek to do us harm.

Rather than short change yourself on your security which really is a priority, why not speak to the experts at Prelock and let us suggest an affordable security system that is not going to leave you vulnerable or second guessing as to whether you have done the right thing.

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Toronto Home Security and Avoiding Burglars

securing your homeAlmost every homeowner puts in at least some type of effort to ward off home break-ins. It may be no more than keeping the doors and windows locked, but in most cases it includes at least a basic alarm system. These are all important steps but there are even a few more  steps for home security that you can take that don’t cost you anything, but help you to be really pro- active in the protection of your family and home. Continue reading

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Toronto Locksmith Tips and Hints

Right Security CompaniesThere are times when most everyone will need the services of a locksmith. For those that live in Toronto and the GTA area they need access to a Toronto Locksmith that is trustworthy, reliable and affordable. Continue reading

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Great Home Security Choices for Barrie Ontario

barrie ontFor those who live and do business in Barrie Ontario they get to enjoy a most beautiful atmosphere. It really is a great place to live and work. Like anywhere else though it has its fair share of home break ins and thievery. At the same time being so close to the GTA it allows them some great choices in their home and business security. Continue reading

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Considerations to Make When it Comes to Home Security

home security considerationsNow that many are looking towards the warmer weather arriving they often think about spring repairs and home updates. Many also consider taking a look at their home security especially if they have purchased a new home and are moving to a neighborhood they are not familiar with. Continue reading

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Simple But Effective Home Security

homebreakinsWhen it comes to home security you need to have an understanding as to what it is really about and what it can do for you. When you are thinking about home security you have to consider this on many different levels. It is important to be able to distinguish between what home control is and what home security it. Continue reading

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