What Are the Best Access Controls for Your Business?

business security accessWhile Metro Toronto Police do their very best to keep the city a safe place to live and work, just like anywhere else we have our own fair share of crime. This means that as business owners we have to take on some of the responsibility for keeping our businesses protected. Fortunately, there are great security services that can be taken advantage of to do this like Pre-Lock Security.

There are many different aspects of the business that require business security attention. Just one of these is controlling who has access to your business.

You can put the access controls in place for your business that are best suited for you. These help to ensure that you are protected from theft and only allow entry for those that are authorized. This can be done through access cards, photo identification, proximity readers, and two-way intercom just to name a few.

When making your decision you really need to determine to what level you want to go.  For example to really step up your access security you can go with a Biometric system. This is a real step about using card identification or access with a pin number. The Bioscrypt FingerPrint reader enhances the use of proximity cards because it requires the fingerprint of the person wanting entry to match with the data that is stored in the reader. This is really added security because the loss of cards or them being stolen is quite commonplace.

Another option is the Handkey. This type of security depends on identification through hand geometry. The advantage to this type of access control is its simple to have installed, it’s easy to use and it’s affordable.

While many business owners know they should rely on access control for their business there are a few things that stop them from going that route. First, they don’t know much about the different types of access systems. They don’t have the time to really learn about them, and/or don’t want the learning curve that comes with utilizing them. Then there is the task of assigning a staff member to be responsible for the system. All of these concerns are put to rest when the business owner chooses to rely on managed access control.

These are just a few examples of many types of access controls that you can put in place for your business protection. They can be as simple or as simple as you want them. The important step to take is to utilize a good Toronto security Company that has the knowledge, expertise, and experience when it comes to these types of systems.

You can depend on Pre-lock to offer you the affordable and trustworthy business access systems, that are going to make securing your business easy and affordable. The security experts here will make sure they spend all the time they need to with you to ensure you are not only getting the best quality business access system at an affordable price, but it’s the one that you need specifically for your business.

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The Ever Changing Technology of Home Security

home security and technologyIn just about every facet of everyday life technology is changing faster than we ever expected and this includes that which is used for our home security.

If you asked someone in the Eighties, or even Nineties if we would see the vast majority of the technologically advanced home security options we see today and people would have literally thought you were living in a science fiction fantasy land.

Unless you were one of the techies who was involved in the research and production of these tech marvels then you would have thought that it sounded much like the old “Jetsons” cartoon where people were living in space houses and driving flying cars to and from work.

But the reality is that many of the things we would have considered fantasy have not only been perfected but are now on the market today.

From Smart Door locks that operate via wireless connection that can not only tell you if the door is locked or unlocked but also be opened remotely if you have a guest pop by who does not have a key or if you need to let a contractor in when you are away from the residence to remote monitoring that allows the user to truly “keep an eye on” their property and belongings when they are away with cameras that can be monitored remotely wherever there is an internet connection.

Technology even allows you to completely automate the functions in your home that traditionally someone would have had to be home to perform which can add to your security by making would be thieves think that the residence is occupied.

You can remotely turn on lights in different rooms at different times and even turn on the television or stereo at certain intervals to make the house seem lived in plus you can control the thermostat to control the heating and cooling of your home so that when you are not there you can turn the systems down and save money and when on the way home set them to a comfortable level for when you arrive.

Even technology that was once the domain of the very rich or the large corporate entities such as home security locks with built in fingerprint scanners are soon to be available to anyone no matter what their socioeconomic background or income level.

Biometrics will very soon in the future be one of the most popular ways to secure not only our computers and work places but also our home and quite possibly even our automobiles and other personal belongings.

We have harnessed technology to the degree that just about everything that we once considered the area of the Sci-Fi reader or author is now becoming a reality.

It makes one wonder what the next fifty years will bring us!

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Are Canada Property Crime Rates Rising ?

Do we need to be concerned about Canada property crime?

crime rates canadaWith all the recent press during the United States presidential campaign and the talk in particular about the rising violent crime rates in the inner cities of the U.S many wonder how we here in Canada match up the U.S when you consider violent and property crimes committed against the people in urban areas.

There is absolutely no doubt that the urban and suburban locales in Canada suffer from different types of crime. Most of the crimes perpetrated in rural areas tend to be property crimes such as burglaries or break and enters or simply theft of items found in those types of areas such as A.T.V’s and snowmobiles, tractors or anything else of value.

True random violent crime is rarely something that you encounter in a rural area although there are certainly examples of Canada property crime that in the past yet the above mentioned crimes like B&E’s are much more likely.

The Canada property crime we see in the urban areas tends to have more random violence than we see in other areas yet there is also the issue of the property crimes we see in the rural areas as well.

Although the statistics for the calendar year 2016 for Canada property crime have yet to be released the stats for 2015 show some disturbing trends that should make all of us much more aware of the security risks we face no matter where we live, whether in an urban, big city like Toronto or the many vast and diverse rural areas found all over the country.

The 2015 stats show that police reported crime fully measured by both Crime Severity Index and the base crime rate rose for the 1st time since 2003.

The scariest part of the report for the average homeowner is the fact that the bulk of the rising statistics are related to issues of property crimes such as mentioned above like break and enters and robberies and even fraud which has grown dramatically over the past few years because of the advent and use of the technology that makes life easier but also allows our personal information to be spread in many more places than in the past.

There is also a very strong correlation between the rise of property crimes and the growth of drug addiction in both rural and urban areas.

The epidemic of opioid drug abuse that is currently cutting a swath through the entire continent of North America with Canada and the U.S being particular affected.

All of these statistics and information are out there for all to see, if only you take the time to look.

The flip side of that coin is that the technology that the security industry has answered this rising crime rate with is both intuitive and easy to use and designed to keep you and your family and your hard earned and valuable possessions as safe as can be.

The expert staff here at Pre-Lock Security Services is ready and able to answer any and all questions you may have about security that will give you the peace of mind to sleep well at night knowing that you have done all you possibly can to ensure that you and your family are safe and secure.

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What is the Definition of Wireless Security System?

Understanding a Wireless Security System

wireless security protectionThere is much confusion floating around about the definition of a wireless system when it comes to home alarms or security systems.

Many people believe, rightly so, that wireless means the way that the system communicates between the monitoring center and the actual alarm site, your home or business, itself and in many cases that is a fact.

There are still many alarm companies that use the old infrastructure of home phone lines or the internet to send and receive messages yet use wireless sensors in the home and then tout themselves as  offering a fully wireless security system.

That is not necessarily the case. If the systems they are trying to sell you does in fact run off the phone line or internet then you really are not using a fully wireless security system are you? An industrious thief with a $5 pair of wire- snippers can cripple the ability of your system to get a signal out to the monitoring center and thus reduce or eliminate altogether a timely police response.

These are the issues a concerned shopper will want to ask of their potential alarm companies.

What are the parameters of the system that they are offering?

Are the sensors all wireless? Meaning that the install process is much less invasive from the perspective of the home owner who certainly would prefer that the alarm company does not have to do any drilling or cutting of their drywall during the install process.

It also offers the home owner a much easier time if they should choose to move any of the sensors to a different location at any time during the contract (this should be done either BY the alarm company or at the very least with their guidance and approval first!) or if they decide to sell their house and move it makes it easier for the system to travel with them.

The final question with regard to these sensors is the means by which they communicate to the control panel itself. Do they connect via cellular signal meaning they are truly wireless of do they communicate via internet or phone line?

How is communication between the monitoring center and the residence or business done?

Is it done wirelessly via cellular signal or again, by internet or phone line?

These parameters need to be taken into consideration no matter who the security company is that you are considering.

There are distinct benefits of both type of systems and the hardware that they are comprised of but in the interest of knowing exactly what you are purchasing you need to ask the right questions when doing your due diligence.

Contact the pro’s here at Pre-Lock Security Services and we will gladly answer any questions you may have related to this or any other security issue you may face!



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Are Monitored Alarm Systems Superior?

security monitoringWith technology today that includes monitored alarm systems becoming ever more advanced as each day passes we are constantly inundated with newer and more advanced gadgets for everything from our automobiles to the connected washing machine to the fridge that does an inventory count as you consume products to yes, the security systems we use to protect our homes, personal belongings and the people we love.

The advancements in home security over the past few years has expanded to include a multitude of different devices that allow you to remotely allow access to your home when you are not there, to tracking which person in the family entered and when to the ability to fully monitor the comings and goings of people on your property. This includes advancements in monitored alarm systems.

All of these gadgets and apps, and some are actually pretty handy and make sense from a security standpoint, are simply designed to make us feel a stronger sense of security overall and to make life easier than it has been in the past.

While the convenience these things have brought us may be useful the overall majority of them do not leave you or your stuff much safer overall.

The biggest issue with a lot of these devices and apps is the fact that while YOU may get notification of someone entering your property immediately as it happens the people who need to made aware, namely Law Enforcement Personnel, are not….until you call them and tell them yourself!

Unless you subscribe to a Monitored Alarm Program through a reputable alarm and security company you are essentially on your own when it comes to a response when one of the apps or notification devices you have installed on your premise is triggered.

Not only does it take additional time to get in contact with the proper authorities you also then need to convince them that the alarm is genuine and that a response is warranted.

This can cost you much needed and exceptionally valuable time.

Most professional criminals know and understand fully that they only have a certain amount of time to complete the heinous act that they are perpetrating and govern themselves accordingly in most cases.

The delay that “self-monitored” alarm systems create can mean the difference between having the person apprehended at the scene and them getting away with your treasured personal items.

This certainly does not suggest that every time a professionally monitored alarm goes off the person is apprehended at the scene of the crime, that would be less than factual BUT, and it is a big but, the extra time that you get and the fact that law enforcement will respond immediately in most cases means that the odds are much more in your favour of either the Police catching the perp or that the person is scared away. This is especially true if the alarm has two way voice capabilities so that the monitoring center can actually inform the bad guy that the police are enroute.

In most cases this will cause the perp to make a hasty exit from the property and hopefully result in less things being taken overall.

Come into Pre-Lock Security Services today and we will happily answer any questions you may have with regard to any security issue you may face!

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Making Sure Your Smart Security Devices are Protected!

devices for securityIn recent years technology has leap frogged into the mainstream when it comes to security and convenience in our homes.

We now have locks and security systems that can wholly be accessed through mobile devices or from a computer at work giving us the ability to let people into our most secure areas by remote control from outside the home with a mere touch of a button.

We also enjoy the fruits of that technology in terms of convenience inside the home with the bulk of our appliances and control systems such as thermostats and furnaces and A/C units being wirelessly controlled from just about anywhere we have access to wireless internet services.

While these advancements have certainly made life easier from a convenience stand point they have also given rise to a whole new area of security concerns.

Any technology can be compromised. It really is as simple as that. We certainly witnessed this south of the border in the recent elections where certain “bad actors” as they have been collective called easily gained access to the Democratic National Committee’s private e-mail database and subsequently revealed information that may have had a direct impact on the course of the elections.

We highlight this event to show you just how easy it can be for a determined and educated person to gain entry into the personal or private systems that we now have emplaced in and around our homes.

The danger and fear is that by having so many points of potential entry into those systems with connected appliances and other wireless devices the security can be compromised unless you take steps to ensure that you make it as difficult as possible for anyone to gain access to them.

There ARE certain steps you can take to make sure that the technology you enjoy has not compromised your security in any way.

These include being absolutely sure to change the factory passwords on all connected devices the minute you get them up and running as many of the factory settings can be accessed online.

Another obvious tip is to be sure that you or family members never share your passwords with anyone outside of your circle.

It is also very smart to restrict access to your information by certain apps that are accessed on your mobile phone. Many “sharing apps” such as calendars and photo sharing and even e-mail need to be protected from anyone who may gain private or protected information after having access to the information on your phone.

Always be sure as well to install any security updates when they are made available by the manufacturer to ensure that your system is completely up to date at all times. Too often we ignore those notifications until it is too late.

It also prudent to be aware of the vendor you are using and the methods they employ for protecting any of your information that may be stored off site.

Ask the questions you want answered before you purchase.

Be sure to contact us here at Pre-Lock Security Services for any information regarding this topic or any other security concerns you may have. Our dedicated and informed staff will assist you with all your security concerns in a courteous and friendly environment.

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Pre-Lock Talks About Electronic Dial Pad vs. Combination Safes

safe electronic keypadsIn today’s society we are all striving for better and more sophisticated technology to safely store our valuables whether at home or on the road.

While the locks we put on our doors and windows will deter most thieves, the cold hard facts are that the more advanced thieves can and do regularly gain access to the homes of people just like you despite best intentions and methods.

For this reason, many people choose to enhance their security by purchasing supplementary devices to protect their valuables such as a home or business safe.

Safes have been around as long as people have had valuables that they wanted to keep protected and the technology has advanced over time just as other technologies have.

One of the most common questions we get here at Pre-Lock Security Services is what type of safe is the best when it comes to ease of use and overall protection.

The answer to that question is really about the entry and locking method as most safes are built to the same exacting requirements and offer the same basic level of protection. Of course there are some models that are better than others and we can easily help you decide on one that will work for whatever you may encounter no matter if it is to be used for home security or for your business.

The bigger question is what type of lock to employ. An electronic dial pad version that requires you to type in a sequence of numbers to gain entry or a combination lock that spins and requires a the opener to follow a preset  “combination” of numbers and spins.

The obvious advantage of the keypad version is the simplicity of use. You simply “key in” your number combination and the safe opens. You can easily change the numbers if they are ever compromised. In reality you probably should change the numbers at certain intervals so that the keypad does not become worn on the numbers that are used as this could give a smart thief an advantage on what numbers make up the code.

The electronic dial pad version also has some other important features such as the lock out mode which will happen if the code is tried unsuccessfully a number of times in a row preventing anyone from simply trying to input random numbers successively until they gain entry.

The fact that you can easily change the code whenever you like is another great feature of the key pad type lock for a safe.

Now, what about combination type locks?

They have been around for over 150 years and still sell today so they must have some attributes that people like!

The fact that with proper care they can and do last for many decades in some instances and you never have to worry about wear like you do on the key pad version.

The fact that the technology is a little bit older also means that you will get one for less money that a similar safe with an electronic keypad.

The downsides are that if you forget the combo you will need to contact a locksmith to get the number changed. They also require a little more time and dexterity to successfully gain entry.

These represent just a few of the challenges and benefits of keypad versus combination safe locks.

If you have any other question in regards to safes or any other security systems feel free to contact us here at Pre-Lock and our friendly and knowledgeable staff assist you in any way we can!

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Does Your Growing Company Need an Access Control System?

business access securityQuite obviously, locking up your business at night is quite different from locking your home when you leave.

It is not so much that the business requires a higher level of security, people value their own possessions as much or more than a company values inventory, but rather that in a business as opposed to a home you potentially have many, more people with access to the venue.

Because of this increased level of traffic and people who may need to enter and leave when a key holder may not be present there are a variety of options that are a little more manageable for this type of situation.

Systems such as these are commonly referred to as Access Control Systems and they differ from a traditional lock by virtue of the fact that you can offer entry and exit to a wide variety of personnel without having to give each of them their own key.

There are a huge variety of different types of Access Control Systems available to just about every type of industry and level of staffing, from 10 employees or 110 or more in almost as many different configurations.

You can have a simple system with a keypad entry and a free exit that allows people to enter easily and leave with no restrictions or you can have a system that keeps track of exactly where in the plant an individual has been over the course of the day and of course there are Biometrics that are exceptionally advanced.

The primary consideration for any company thinking about adding an Access Control system to their business is to figure out exactly what your individual requirements are.

The number of employees you have and of course your security requirements are considerations along with a number of other factors that must be considered fully before making a final decision.

Many companies will hire an outside consultant to come in and help them find the appropriate system for their particular needs and help them navigate the many layers that need to be considered such as the locations of all exits and entrances, the size of your workforce and who enters at what time and where along with a myriad of other things that must be considered.

In addition to those physical considerations, you will need to decide on the type of system that you will want to use and under what conditions it will be utilized. Do you want it to record entry and exit for payroll purposes? Do vendors or clients get access or must they be buzzed in?

All of this must be considered and the options weighed out before you decide on the right system for your company’s particular needs.

Contact us here at Pre-Lock security Service any time and we can walk you through all of the appropriate steps to getting your company security and access needs filled quickly and efficiently using the latest in technologies and procedures. We carry everything you need and want to protect your Company and home. from Biometric scanners to simple telephone systems and everything in between.

Call today and we can get you on a path to security and simplicity in no time at all!

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How Would You React to a Toronto Home Break In?

Home break in TorontoOf all the crimes that can be perpetrated against us, with the exception of rape and murder of course, and perhaps an armed robbery depending on the circumstance, the one that touches us the most and ultimately makes us feel the most vulnerable is the dreaded Toronto  home break in, for those that live in this great city

The reason that society as a whole dreads having our homes broken into stems less from the fact that the perpetrators may get away with some of our possessions, although the loss of sentimental items can be particular egregious, but because we have always felt that a person’s home is essentially their castle and to have that space invaded by a foreigner is something that drives a stake right through the heart of most people.

The fact that your home has been invaded makes you feel less safe in that space than you did prior to the event. This has been recorded to be one of the worst possible invasions of privacy and security that a person can feel and the vast majority of people who undergo this trauma need some form of counseling to help them move on after it has happened.

While we certainly hope that this never happens to you and here at Pre-Lock Security we are intent on offering you products and advice to make it as difficult as possible for the really degenerate among us to be able to gain access to your castle, it unfortunately can and does happen quite often.

If it ever happens to you there are some things that you should be aware of and some tips for how to deal with it during and after the event.

The very first tip and the absolute most important one from a safety stand point is to NEVER enter a home if you think the bad guy may still be in there!

If you come home to an open door or broken window ASSUME that the perp is still inside and get to safety and call the Police immediately!! This cannot be stressed enough!

Firstly, your safety is of the utmost importance! All material possessions can be replaced, you on the other hand, cannot!

Secondly, if you do enter the home, even if you know the perp has fled, you may well disturb evidence that the Police department can use to find the criminal who has violated your space so intrusively and you would not want that to happen!

Once the police have been to the scene you will also need to contact your insurance company to get a claim started right away as well as cleaning up from the break in.

One thing many people do after a break in is to assess their security systems or lack thereof and make changes to ensure it does not happen again!

Here at Pre-Lock we truly believe that that is prudent, but feel strongly that waiting until an event has occurred is reactive rather than proactive.

Come and talk to our professional and knowledgeable staff BEFORE anything happens and make absolutely sure that you have done everything that you can to ensure that this never happens to your family!

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Are You Getting the Most From Your Security Cameras?

camera securityPutting up security cameras to enhance the security of your home or business is really never a bad idea.

There are however some ways to make sure that you maximize the efficacy of those cameras by the positioning and the set up that allow you to not only get the most bang for your buck and thus better value for your money but also to truly ensure that you are as protected as humanly possible.

Anyone can randomly place security cameras around the perimeter of their home or business and no matter where they might be the mere sight of them may well deter opportunistic thieves from attempting to gain entry, but if they are not positioned optimally then the really good professional thieves, who are as dedicated to their craft as you are to yours, will unfortunately not be deterred and may well be emboldened by what they encounter.

A primary thing to keep in mind is that not all structures are built the same and not all have the same weaknesses that need to be monitored and protected. Essentially the point is that there is no one size fits all when it comes to a security approach for protecting residential homes or businesses.

By having a security consultant who specializes in assessing properties security risks come and give you an in depth report on exactly where your risks are highest and where they are minimized makes the task that much easier to fulfill.

If, however, you are determined to do it on your own there are some tips that you may find useful when beginning.

For the most part crooks will look for the easiest and quickest way to gain entry into a residential unit. Their intention is to gain access as quickly as possible and then accumulate as much of your valuables in the shortest amount of time they can and then get the heck out of Dodge just as quickly.

For this reason the route of entry is very commonly the front or back door. They knock and if no answer is received they then proceed to force entry. Having a camera pointed at the front and back doors is often enough to deter a thief and for this reason many advocate making the camera as visible as possible so that the thief is sure to see it and will choose another target, others think that by having a hidden camera you will be able to locate the thief much more easily after the event but really who wants to have to go through the hassle of losing their stuff to try and catch the guy later, deterrence is a much better option overall.

Placing security cameras around walkways and paths that lead to your house is also a good idea and can prove beneficial as well as they will often cover access points through upper floor windows and even in some cases the basement window wells that are also very popular with thieves as they often offer cover while they perform the nefarious job of gaining access to your home and valuables.

Contact us here at Pre-Lock Security Services 416-773-5625 and we will answer any questions you may have regarding the purchase of and the placement of cameras that will help to enhance your business or residential security quickly and efficiently!

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